Thursday, June 24, 2010

a long overdue update!

if you haven't already given up on me here on at Grace Filled Moments, i'm finally back with a whole lineup of updates as to my whereabouts and adventures these past weeks!

life's been busy and good, or good and busy! with "grace-filled moments" aplenty!

APRIL: my husband and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary, our 2nd son turned 21, and Ed had a birthday too. wasnt' Easter in there somewhere too?

MAY: Mary Grace graduated from 8th Grade and Justin graduated from college in Kansas.

JUNE: Mary Grace turned 15, Justin moved back home, we attended an out of town wedding, and have had lots of house guests! And wait... it's still June, right?

anyhoo, here's a few pictures of the celebrations... Justin getting his degree, Mary Grace's 8th Grade Dance, and Andy's 21st birthday- (Andy is on the right)


Self Sagacity said...

alot of joy for you and your family. it is a busy time of the year.

joanne said...

sounds like life is good..;p