Thursday, September 03, 2009

on the needles...

now that fall is nearing, i'm anxious to finish mary grace's orange sweater. it's been a work in progress for a long while and now i just have to finish the sleeves and it's ready to put together. she loves orange, and oh my goodness is it ever orange! ANOTHER reason i'll be glad when it's finished!

my favorite project right now, is this Noro cardigan i'm making for ME. yes, ME! i always make things to give away, so i'm really excited to be able to make and then (hopefully) wear this one! i love the colors! anyway, that's what i've been up to. how about you? is anyone else working on anything fun? (not just knitting!)


becky f. said...

working on watching you knit. :-)

Keke said...

Oh, how lovely, I can't believe your talent...I so wish I could knit. My husbands grandmother, god bless her soul actually gave me the greatest gift I ever got one year for my see she was 82 and crippled with arthritis. Her hands actually bent backwards to her wrist. Well after hearing how I yearned to learn to knit she was determined she would teach me. She gave me knitting needles, yarn and a vintage how to book that I'm sure she pulled from her own library. It looked like it was 1960. We sat on the side of her bed for an hour as she struggled to show me...{cast and pearl?} maybe that's what she called it? It's been 20 yrs so I don't remember exactly, but she sat there determined, sweating in pain, she wasn't giving up. To this day I still havn't learned, I do still have the needles and the book and the memory of the greatest gift I was every given....thanks for reminding me...