Tuesday, July 09, 2013

painting patterns... big and small

So fun! I really enjoyed painting the big, random patterns. I found it harder to be spontaneous when painting the smaller ones. The dots were spontaneous, then the flowers started getting a little more detailed. When I made the rectangles, I decided they reminded me of the row houses in Washington, DC and then I just lost my mind making doors and roofs and windows ...I felt like a little girl again! I had a ball painting again! Can't wait to see what the next steps in the SEWN class will be!


Debbie said...

Hey Linda...
What fun to see your stuff from SEWN. I couldn't afford to take this class, but I thoroughly enjoyed Mary Ann's Ticket to Venice & Remains of the Day classes so I know you're having FUN! Keep it up...it's great to see you blogging again, too!

South City Hues said...

Linda these are so good!